Buccal One-Stage Mucosal Graft Urethroplasty for Urethral Stricture. Results of 10 Years of Experience.
AJTES Vol 3, No 1, July 2019
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buccal mucosa
urethral stricture

How to Cite

Galiqi, G., Koni, A., Tartari, F., Pesha, A., Ymeri, S., Bajri, L., Ferko, S., & Ndoj, A. (2019). Buccal One-Stage Mucosal Graft Urethroplasty for Urethral Stricture. Results of 10 Years of Experience. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 3(1), 220-227. https://doi.org/10.32391/ajtes.v3i1.21


Aim: Representing our data regarding use of buccal mucosa for treatment of recurrent urethral stricture. Evaluating effectiveness of buccal graft for reconstruction of urethral segment both penile and bulbar urethra.

Materials and methods: We repaired 95 urethral strictures with buccal mucosa grafts from 2004 to 2015. Mean patient age was 39 years. The etiology of stricture was unknown in 54% of cases in other cases ischemia, trauma, instrumentation was the reason. 96% had undergone previous urethrotomy or dilation. The buccal mucosa graft was harvested from lower lip mostly. Mean graft length was 3.8 cm. The graft was placed on the ventral and dorsal bulbar urethral surface in 61 and 34 cases, respectively. In pendulous urethra we routinely use the dorsal graft the Asopa inlay graft or Barbagli onlay graft. Clinical outcome was considered a success or failure at the time that any postoperative procedure was needed, including dilation. Mean follow-up was 36 months (range 16 to 62).

Results: We had a success rate of 77% with dorsal inlay or onlay flap for pendulous urethra inferior than ventral graft used for bulbar urethra which was 81% success rate.

Conclusions: In our experience the placement of buccal mucosa grafts into the ventral or dorsal surface of the bulbar urethra showed an acceptable success rates 81% and 77% respectively. Longer times of follow up is need to see if the results deteriorated more.

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