Situs Inversus Dextrocardia with Cyanogen Complex Cardiopathy in a 16-Year-Old Albanian Male
AJTES Volume 8, Number 2, July 2024
Guli PA. et al. - Situs Inversus Dextrocardia with Cyanogen Complex Cardiopathy.


situs inversus
unique ventricle

How to Cite

Pllumi Guli, A., Shabani, Z., & Pjetri, E. (2024). Situs Inversus Dextrocardia with Cyanogen Complex Cardiopathy in a 16-Year-Old Albanian Male. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 8(2), 1535-1538.


Introduction: Dextrocardia is rare in the general population and may be associated with significant additional cardiac malformations. It is commonly associated with additional cardiac malformations.

In this report, we have described the follow-up of a patient with Situs inversus dextrocardia and cyanogen complex cardiopathy in a 16-year-old Albanian male. The male patient born on 2007 in Albania, was referred to our ambulatory at 6 months of life by pediatrician cause of cyanosis and cardiac murmur. It was performed the echo Color Doppler examination, with the conclusion: situs inversus dextrocardia, unique ventricle, pulmonary arterial atresia. On 2008, a diagnostic catheterization was performed. The medico-chirurgical consultation has decided to leave the boy in natural history with a periodic follow–up. On 06.2009 in one of the routine examinations, there was make evidence of hypertrophy of the unique ventricle associated with arteria hypertension. From that time the patient is under medical treatment with periodic monitoring.

Conclusions: The regular follow up of complex cyanogen congenital heart disease improve health care towards risqué target group. In heave desaturations patient the hypertension must be valuated as secondary complication of primary problem.
Guli PA. et al. - Situs Inversus Dextrocardia with Cyanogen Complex Cardiopathy.


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