Vol 9 No 1 (2025): AJTES

Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (AJTES) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that strives to provide an excellent platform for disseminating cutting-edge developments in surgery and its related disciplines.

AJTES opens a medium for the surgical specialties to share the latest developments in Trauma Surgery, General Surgery, acute care Surgery, Anaesthesiology and Intensive care, Cardiothoracic surgery,… knowledge, ideas, and good practice. The Journal publishes original articles, review articles, editorials, letters to the editor, short communication, and case reports in all the fields of surgery and not only...

AJTES welcomes researchers to submit articles on different subject categories of surgery like General surgery, Anaesthesiology, Intensive care, Cardiothoracic surgery, Vascular surgery, Pediatric surgery, Colorectal surgery, Surgical oncology, Trauma surgery, Endocrine surgery, Breast surgery, Gynecology, Skin surgery, Otolaryngology, Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Dental Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Podiatric surgery, Urology, Plastic surgery, etc

Open Access: Unrestricted visibility to the readers.

Manuscript Submission: The Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (AJTES) is an open-system journal, and authors can submit their manuscripts online. The whole review process is being processed here with the help of Journal Editors and Reviewers.

All published work with the Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (AJTES) is permanently available online without any restriction to the reader. Articles published in the AJTES will be open-access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.


Agron Dogjani, Edvin Selmani, Edmond Zaimi, Kastriot Haxhirexha, Petrit Biberaj, Basri Lenjani, Kastriot Subashi, Ilir Hasmuca, Erjona Zogaj, Amarildo Blloshmi, Klevis Doci
Utilizing ATLS® Trauma Management Protocols: The Gold Standard for Safe and Effective Care.
Dogjani A, et al. - Utilizing ATLS® Trauma Management Protocols.

Original Articles

Muralidharan Kannaian, Bhaskara Rao Bezawada, Vinod K, Subash Chandra Bose
A retrospective Study on Intestinal Injury from Blunt Abdominal Trauma
Kannaian M, et al. - A Retrospective Study on Intestinal Injury from BAT.
Selman Dumani, Laureta Dibra, Ermal Likaj, Saimir Kuci, Edlira Rruci, Aferdita Veseli, Klodian Krakulli, Andi Kacani, Edvin Prifti, Ilir Tanku, Devis Pellumbi, Alessia Mehmeti, Adelina Musliu, Ali Refatllari, Altin Veshti
Aortic Valve Surgery in Patients Over 75 Years Old: Early Results and Predictors of Hospital Mortality
Dumani S, et al. - Aortic Valve Surgery in Patients Over 75 Years Old...
Vladimir Filaj, Ester Tabaku, Ina Kola, Ferdiola Gjonaj, Vilma Tafilaj, Henri Drinjak
Challenges in Burns Management in a Tertiary Care Center in Albania
Filaj V, et al. - Challenges in Burns Management in a Tertiary Care Center in Albania.
Irena Seferi, Viola Shano, Brunilda Dakavelli, Vjollca Duro, Shpetim Qyra, Anyla Bulo
New Pathogens in Blood Donors and Patients in Albania
Seferi I. et al. - New Pathogens in Blood Donors and Patients in Albania.
Ruzhdi Rexhepi, Selma Arifi, Merita Rexhepi, Dejan Dokic, Tatjana Ruskovska
Current Situation and Management of Pleural Effusion in PHI Clinical Hospital Tetovo
Rexhepi R, et al. - Current Situation and Management of Pleural Effusion...
Alba Koshovari; Amela Muca; Leart Berdica, Teona Bushati, Laura Fejza, Oltjon Kaja, Ardita Koci
A Osseointegration of Dental Implants in Atrophic Regions. The use of Densah Burs, Osseodensification Technique, in Sinus Lift Procedures. A Clinical Case and Review Literature.
Koshovari A, et al - Osseointegration of Dental Implants in Atrophic Regions...
Saimir Kuci, Marsela Goga, Alfred Ibrahimi, Ervin Bejko, Stavri Llazo, Jonela Burimi, Esmerilda Bulku, Andi Kacani, Ermal Likaj, Ali Refatllari, Selman Dumani, Klodian Krakulli, Arber Aliu, Fjorba Mana, Devis Pellumbi, Aferdita Veseli, Edlira Rruci, Laureta Dibra, Arben Baboci, Edvin Prifti, Altin Veshti
Diagnosis and Treatment of Postoperative Myocardial Infarction: A Retrospective Cohort Study on 600 Cardiac Surgery Patients
Kuci S., et al. - Diagnosis and Treatment of Postoperative Myocardial Infarction...
Aferdita Ademi, Ferizat Dika Haxhirexha, Agron Dogjani, Kastriot Haxhirexha
A Comprehensive Systematic Review of Etiology and Risk Factors of Surgical Site Infections
Ademi A., et al. - A Comprehensive Systematic Review of Etiology and Risk Factors of Surgical Site Infections.
Arber Aliu, Klodiana Durici, Ira Lazo, Altin Veshti
Redo Aortic Valve Replacement After Prior Transcatheter versus Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Insights from Western Experience
Aliu A., et al. - Redo Aortic Valve Replacement...

Review Articles

Ermal Likaj, Alessia Mehmeti, Selman Dumani, Fjorba Mana, Saimir Kuci, Ervin Bejko, Aferdita Veseli
Surgical Approaches for Aortic Root Aneurysm: A Comparative Analysis of the David and Yacoub Techniques
Likaj E., et al. - Surgical Approaches for Aortic Root Aneurysm...
Basri Lenjani, Agron Dogjani, Luljeta Abdullahu, Arlind Zeqiri, Dardan Lenjani, Bujar Imeri
Types of Road Traffic Accidents and Emergency Medical Care
Lenjani B., et al. - Types of Road Traffic Accidents and Emergency Medical Care.
Selman Dumani, Ermal Likaj, Laureta Dibra, Devis Pellumbi, Adelina Musliu, Fjoralba Qejvani, Altin Veshti
Selection of Prosthesis in Aortic Valve Surgery: Short Review and Trend in our Practice in 10 Years
Dumani S., et al. - Selection of Prosthesis in Aortic Valve Surgery...
Ilirian Lenjani, Fatime Lenjani, Mentor Mustafa, Agron Dogjani, Basri Lenjani
Basic Medical Emergency Treatment for Maxillofacial Injuries
Lenjani I., et al. - Basic Medical Emergency Treatment for Maxillofacial Injuries
Mateo Përgjegji, Klei Bame, Ketrina Ceka, Jera Cenalia , Sibora Bërdica , Teona Bushati
Oligodendrocyte Injury in Multiple Sclerosis.
Përgjegji M., et al. - Oligodentrocyte Injury in Multiple Sclerosis
Selman Dumani, Ermal Likaj, Laureta Dibra, Saimir Kuci, Edlira Rruci, Alfred Ibrahimi, Aferdita Veseli, Fjorba Mana, Devis Pellumbi, Alessia Mehmeti, Ali Refatllari, Altin Veshti
Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery: Initial One-team Experience and Short Review.
Dumani S., et al. - Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery.

Case Reports

Elona Markeci, Admir Mustafa
Traumatic Asphyxia due to Automobile Accident. A Case Report
Markeci E. & Mustafa A. - Traumatic Asphyxia due to Automobile Accident.
Shaban Memeti, Saimir Kuci, Toni Ristevski, Lazar Todorovic, Marijan Kamilovski, Blagica Krsteska, Haris Sulejmani
Clinical Management and Surgical Outcomes of Wandering Spleen with Splenic Torsion in Pediatric Patients: A Case Report
Memeti Sh., et al. - Clinical Management and Surgical Outcomes of Wandering Spleen...
Hysni Dede, Rovena Roshi, Gentiana Cekodhima, Manjola Tahiraj, Augusto Orlandi
Gastric MALT Lymphoma with Giant Ulcer from Untreated H. pylori: Role of Endoscopic Biopsy – A Case Report.
Dede H., et al. - Gastric MALT Lymphoma with Giant Ulcer from Untreated H. pylori...
Leon Kaza, Leart Berdica, Teona Teona, Albina Ndoja
Noninvasive Polypoid Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor of the Uterus: A Case Report and Literature Review
Kaza L., et al. - Noninvasive Polypoid Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor of the Uterus.
Erjola Likaj, Larisa Shehaj, Deniona Nunci, Lordian Nunci, Irda Rrugeja, Merita Rroji, Saimir Seferi, Nertila Gjonaj, Alma Idrizi, Arjana Strakosha
Diagnosing and Treating ANCA-Associated Vasculitis within the COVID-19 Era: A Challenging Case Report
Likaj E., et al. - Diagnosing and Treating ANCA-Associated Vasculitis...
Marsela Goga, Saimir Kuci, Alfred Ibrahimi, Ermal Likaj, Alvi Cela, Romina Teliti, Ormir Shurdha, Erilda Selimi, Jacob Zeitani
Successful Management of Refractory Heart Failure and Multi-Organ Dysfunction in a Patient with CRT-D and Acute Pulmonary Edema: A Case Report
Goga M., et al. - Successful Management of Refractory Heart Failure and MOD...
Aferdita Ademi, Ferizat Dika Haxhirexha, Agron Dogjani, Kastriot Haxhirexha
Candiduria in Pediatric Patients: Two Case Reports and a Review of Management Strategies.
Ademi A., et al. - Candiduria in Pediatric Patients ...
Selman Dumani, Altin Kuqo, Ermal Likaj, Saimir Kuci, Majlinda Ikonomi, Laureta Dibra, Alessia Mehmeti, Ejona Celiku, Altin Veshti
Thymus Hyperplasia and Thymoma Type B in Patients with Myasthenia Gravis: Two case reports and Literature Review
Dumani S., et al. - Thymus Hyperplasia and Thymoma Type B in Patients with Myasthenia Gravis...