Amyand hernia is a rare presentation in inguinal hernias (less than 1% of cases with inguinal hernias) which is evidenced when in herniated masses the presence of inflamed appendix is ascertained or not. It was named after a French surgeon, Claudius Amyand (1660-1740), who performed the first successful appendectomy in 1735, where he found an acute appendicitis in a herniated mass. Most cases are diagnosed intraoperatively, as an accurate preoperative diagnosis rarely becomes evident.
Management is individual depending on the stage of inflammation of the appendix, the presence of abdominal sepsis and concomitant factors. The decision should be based on factors such as the patient's age, the size and anatomopathological shape of the appendix, and in the case of an inflamed appendix, standard appendectomy and retinal herniorrhage should be the gold standard of treatment.
Amyand hernia is usually misinterpreted as a common incarcerata hernia. Symptoms that mimic appendicitis may appear. Treatment consists of a combination of appendectomy and hernia repair. The inflammatory status of the appendix determines the type of hernia repair and the surgical technique. Occasional appendectomy in the case of a normal appendix is not recommended.
Amyand hernia is a rare type of inguinal hernia in which the appendix is located in the hernia sac. We present a case of a recurrent incarcerated Amyand’s hernia with complicated appendicitis. The 78 old polymorbide patient with right-sided incarcerated recurrent hernia was emergently operated on and appendectomy and non-mesh hernioplasty performed, on the 3rd postoperative day for a heart attack he was placed cardio stimulator with uneventful outcome. Fifteen months follow up did not show complications or complaints.
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