Surgical Treatment of Uncomplicated Pilonidal Sinus with the Simple Closed Technique - New Findings of Pilonidal Sinus Treatment from Albania.
AJTES Volume 8, Number 1, January 2024
Dettmer M. et al. - Surgical Treatment of Uncomplicated Pilonidal Sinus with the Simple Closed Technique


Pilonidal Sinus
Surgical Treatment
Closed Technique
critically discuss

How to Cite

Dettmer, M., Doll, D., & Maak, M. (2024). Surgical Treatment of Uncomplicated Pilonidal Sinus with the Simple Closed Technique - New Findings of Pilonidal Sinus Treatment from Albania. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 8(1), 1417-1418.


Dear Editor,

Concerning the article of Bollano E et al. “Surgical treatment of uncomplicated Pilonidal Sinus with a simple closed technique” has been gathering our attention. In this LTE, we would like to critically discuss some of the author's statements. Firstly, the stated pathophysiology of PSD is an outdated theory. Furthermore, primary midline closure, as postulated by the author, is not the surgical procedure of first choice, as several large reviews have shown.

The letter discusses the rationale behind adopting the simple closed technique, highlighting its efficacy and potential advantages. By presenting data from our experiences in Albania, we aim to contribute valuable insights to the global discourse on pilonidal sinus treatment.

This letter is a noteworthy addition to AJTES, offering fresh insights into the treatment landscape of pilonidal sinus. We trust the editorial team will find the content aligned with the journal's objectives and scope.

Your consideration of this submission is highly appreciated, and we look forward to the possibility of contributing to the journal's ongoing dialogue on innovative surgical approaches.
Dettmer M. et al. - Surgical Treatment of Uncomplicated Pilonidal Sinus with the Simple Closed Technique


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