Introduction: asthma is the most common chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract in children. The clinical manifestation of asthma is closely related to the pathomorphological changes presenting the basis of the disease, and it concerns the difficult air flow through the lower airways during the expiratory phase of breathing. Inadequate treatment of children who have asthma affects the appearance of remodeling of the lower airways and, in the most severe cases, permanent reduction of the lung function values.
The Aim is to determine the influence of prematurity and GSTT1 and GSTM1 gene polymorphisms on the degree of asthma control.
Materials and Methods: The research was designed as a clinical, cohort, observational, retrospective-prospective study. It included 200 patients divided into two groups of one hundred respondents each. The first group of respondents consisted of premature children hospitalized at the Department of Neonatal Intensive Care of the CCUS Pediatric Clinic due to respiratory problems caused by immaturity. In contrast, the second group consisted of at-term-born children monitored through the Pulmonary Counselling of the Pediatric Clinic.
Results: The male and female genders were equally represented. In the premature children group, respiratory support was used in 60/100 (60%) cases. GSTT1 polymorphism was proven in 150 respondents, and GSTM1 polymorphism in 98. Fisher's test showed that gestational age at birth significantly influenced asthma control: the test value was 11.281, p=0.019.
Conclusion: gestation weeks at birth have a statistically significant effect on the degree of asthma control at older age. Although poorly controlled asthma and uncontrolled asthma were more prevalent in children with positive GSTT1 and GSM1 gene polymorphisms, we could not demonstrate a statistically significant influence of the mentioned polymorphisms on the degree of asthma control.
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