Background: Aortic valve surgery is the most essential part of worldwide heart valve surgery. In recent decades, the patient profile has changed even in our country, with the age of patients undergoing aortic valve surgery increasing significantly.
The primary objectives of this study are the early results of aortic valve replacement surgery in patients over 75 years old and the negative predictors that affect hospital mortality.
Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study of 73 patients over 75 who underwent aortic valve surgery in 2014-2021 in our Cardiac Surgery Service, University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” in Tirana. The patients' data regarding demographic, preoperative, operative, and postoperative variables were collected from the hospital's medical records. The data are presented in mean values and standard deviation. T-test and chi-squared test are also used.
Results: This study involved 73 patients, 50 males and 23 females. The age range was 75-85, averaging 77.12±2.31 years. Hospital mortality was 4.1%. The incidence of major perioperative complications such as low cardiac output, stroke, respiratory problems, bleeding, atrial fibrillation, wound infection, and conduction disturbances was 6.8%, 2.7 %, 4.1%, 2.7 %, 21.9 %, 2.6%, and 4.2 %.
Conclusions: Aortic valve surgery for elderly patients over 75 can be performed well. Concomitant procedures, prolonged extracorporeal circulation, and emergency intervention expose the patient to a high operative risk.
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