Types of Road Traffic Accidents and Emergency Medical Care
AJTES Vol 9, No 1, January 2025
Lenjani B., et al. - Types of Road Traffic Accidents and Emergency Medical Care.


Traffic accidents
Types of automobile accidents
Clinical pattern
Management outcomes

How to Cite

Lenjani, B., Dogjani, A., Abdullahu, L., Zeqiri, A., Lenjani, D., & Imeri, B. (2025). Types of Road Traffic Accidents and Emergency Medical Care. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 9(1), 1665-1670. https://doi.org/10.32391/ajtes.v9i1.434


Introduction: A traffic accident is when only material damage is caused to the vehicle and track environment, and there are no casualties. RTA represents a significant risk for morbidity and mortality in Kosovo, of which head injury and multiple-site injury increase injury severity.

The anatomical site, mechanism of injury, time to reach an initial health facility, time of the day, patient condition at ED, type of treatment given, GCS at admission, and days spent in the hospital were among independent predictors of management outcome. Targeted approaches to improving the care of the injured victims may improve outcomes.

Thus, the clinician should consider the clinical presentation of RTA and give due attention to the identified contributing factors in managing it. Law enforcers should also emphasize the identified types and mechanisms of accidents. The PubMed database was utilized for article selection, and papers were obtained and reviewed. The ATLS protocol has been developed to manage trauma patients systematically so as not to miss any condition that may kill the patient.

Conclusions: Triage is essential in managing accidental situations and strengthening the primary, secondary, and tertiary health systems. To design clinical guidelines, algorithms, and triage protocols at the three levels of health care, all healthcare professionals should be educated and trained with continuing courses in triage, communication, and Basic Life Support -AED, ACLS, PHTLS, BTLS, and ATLS.

Lenjani B., et al. - Types of Road Traffic Accidents and Emergency Medical Care.


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