Basic Medical Emergency Treatment for Maxillofacial Injuries
AJTES Vol 9, No 1, January 2025
Lenjani I., et al. - Basic Medical Emergency Treatment for Maxillofacial Injuries


Maxillofacial injuries
airway management
facial fractures
emergency care

How to Cite

Lenjani, I., Lenjani, F., Mustafa, M., Dogjani, A., & Lenjani, B. (2025). Basic Medical Emergency Treatment for Maxillofacial Injuries. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 9(1), 1676-1681.


Introduction: Maxillofacial trauma presents unique challenges due to the complex anatomy of the face, encompassing vital structures. Beyond physical injuries, these cases significantly impact a patient's appearance and function, necessitating a multidisciplinary approach.

Challenges: Maxillofacial trauma often co-occurs with other injuries, particularly head, chest, and extremity trauma. This increases complexity, with head injuries observed in 7.6-8.9% of facial fracture cases, frequently associated with lower Glasgow Coma Scores. Cervical spine injuries and airway obstruction are significant concerns.

Management: While trauma management has significantly improved mortality rates, maxillofacial injuries in polytrauma patients remain a challenge. Their proximity to the brain, spine, and airway necessitates modifications to standard ABC assessments. These modifications often incorporate DRSABCDE, a comprehensive evaluation that includes airway clearance with C-spine control, breathing, ventilation, oxygenation, circulation, disability-neurologic status, exposure-environment, and body temperature. Each component of DRSABCDE is crucial in the initial management of maxillofacial trauma.

Conclusion: Continuous education and training in triage, communication, and advanced life support (e.g., BLS-AED, ACLS, PHTLS, BTLS, ATLS) are crucial and empowering for healthcare professionals managing maxillofacial trauma in polytrauma patients. This ongoing learning equips them with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle these complex cases effectively.
Lenjani I., et al. - Basic Medical Emergency Treatment for Maxillofacial Injuries


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