Introduction: The 8th ACTES 2024 is a premier platform for advancing trauma and emergency surgery by fostering knowledge exchange, professional collaboration, and innovation. Bringing together surgeons, researchers, and healthcare professionals from Albania and beyond, the congress addresses critical challenges and cutting-edge advancements in trauma care, emergency surgical techniques, and interdisciplinary patient management.
Themed "Trauma and Emergency Surgery and not only..." the event highlights minimally invasive surgery, hemostatic advancements, and damage control strategies. To enhance the participant experience, it features plenary sessions, scientific presentations, panel discussions, poster awards, industry exhibits, networking opportunities, CME credits, and cultural activities.
ACTES 2024 is a transformative event that aims to inspire innovation, strengthen global partnerships, and shape the future of surgical care. Ultimately, its goal is to enhance outcomes and improve patient lives.
Conclusion: ACTES 2024 is more than a congress; it is a transformative initiative poised to redefine the future of trauma and emergency surgery. This event aspires to leave a lasting impact on surgical care and patient outcomes worldwide by fostering innovation, promoting global collaboration, and emphasizing evidence-based practices.
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Andrea, G., Gjergo, P., Kaçani, A., Çekini, M., & Dogjani, A. (2024). Surgical Treatment of Ruptured Splenic Artery Aneurysm. A Clinical Case and Review Literature. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 8(2), 1503-1508. https://doi.org/10.32391/ajtes.v8i2.398
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Lenjani, B., Lenjani, A., Dogjani, A., Abdullahu, L., Arslani, N., Lenjani, D., Memedaliu, F., & Lenjani, I. (2024). Construction Industry Causes of Injuries, Management of EMS and Its Impact on Public Health. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 8(1), 1354-1361. https://doi.org/10.32391/ajtes.v8i1.378
Masati, B., Haxhiu, A., Dhima, M., Punmira, T., Zikaj, G., Ibrahimi, A., & Dogjani, A. (2024). The Benefit of Open Rives-Stoppa Procedure in Complex Incisional Hernia. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 8(1), 1371-1376 https://doi.org/10.32391/ajtes.v8i1.381
Haxhirexha, K., Ademi, A., Dogjani, A., Alili, R., Dika – Haxhirexha, F., Fejzuli, B., & Emini – Rushiti, T. (2024). Management of Perforated Sigmoid Diverticulitis with Associated Retroperitoneal Abscess and Generalized Peritonitis. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 8(1), 1397-1401. https://doi.org/10.32391/ajtes.v8i1.379
Dogjani, A., Haxhirexha, K., Gjata, A., & Subashi, K. (2023). Initial Assessment of Trauma Patients. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 7(2.7), 25. https://doi.org/10.32391/ajtes.v7i2.7.365
Dogjani, A., Haxhirexha, K., Gjata, A., & Subashi, K. (2023). Trauma System in Albania. A challenge that Requires long-term and Sustainable Solutions. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 7(2.7), 105. https://doi.org/10.32391/ajtes.v7i2.7.375
Dogjani, A., Haxhirexha, K., Gjata, A., & Subashi, K. (2023). Optimizing Chest Trauma Management: Strategies and Guidelines. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 7(2.7), 32-33. https://doi.org/10.32391/ajtes.v7i2.7.370
Dogjani, A., Puyana, J., et al., The 30th Albanian Conference of Surgery & the 7th Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 7(2.7). https://doi.org/10.32391/ajtes.v7i2.7.359
Haxhirexha, K., Dogjani, A., Zylbeari, L., & Dika - Haxhirexha, F. (2018). Misdiagnosed Appendicitis in Children. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2(2), 99-104. https://doi.org/10.32391/ajtes.v2i2.6
Sermonesi, G., Bertelli, R., Pieracci, F.M. et al. Surgical stabilization of rib fractures (SSRF): the WSES and CWIS position paper. World J Emerg Surg 19, 33 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13017-024-00559-2
Dogjani, A., Haxhirexha, K., Gjata, A., & Subashi, K. (2023). The ATLS® Course: Empowering Healthcare Professionals for Excellence in Trauma Care. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 7(2), 1221-1223. https://doi.org/10.32391/ajtes.v7i2.350
Cobianchi, L., Dal Mas, F., Agnoletti, V. et al. Time for a paradigm shift in shared decision-making in trauma and emergency surgery? Results from an international survey. World J Emerg Surg 18, 14 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13017-022-00464-6
Cobianchi, L., Piccolo, D., Dal Mas, F. et al. Surgeons’ perspectives on artificial intelligence to support clinical decision-making in trauma and emergency contexts: results from an international survey. World J Emerg Surg 18, 1 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13017-022-00467-3

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